Monday, February 22, 2010

It's a new day

So after my weekend of feeling pretty smashed I was not looking forward to getting up this morning and running 4 x 1km TT with 3mins recovery.

The first thing I noticed when I got up was that I actually felt much better than I did over the weekend and that the muscle soreness seemed to be gone.

I remeasured the 1km mark (via the car, based on my remeasure on the bike on Saturday) and I was right, my 1km marker that I was using for my 5km/10km run was slightly short.

Did a short pose warmup then off for the 1km sets, I have a slight decline on the way out and a slight incline on the way back but other than that this is a relatively flat 1km run.

Very happy with my times which were 4.01 / 4.05 / 3.54 / 4.05 - my legs were definitely tired and they were complaining before I had run 500m but I dug deep and put in a lot of effort and it paid off - now I have the rest of the day to recover - so will be aiming for an early night tonight!


  1. Monday for you, huh - still Sunday here. What is the climate like there? I know it is warm now, but do you have a winter like we do? Sorry to be so ignorant, but I don't have time to read an Atlas right now.

  2. Hi Martin,

    Climate is great, we are coming to the end of our summer here (equivalent of your August) temp in summer average 28 - 31 although we do get 40+ too, winter for us is generally wet and it can rain hard but not all day thankfully - we've just had 77 days with no rain - even in winter we have a majority of sunny blue skies :)
