Monday, January 18, 2010

I am strong !!!

Did 5 x 5 back squat this morning, last time I did this on 2 January I did 5 x 5 @ 40kg - that session was a bit of a confidence thing as I hadn't BS for a while and I was on my own in my garage gym.

So - today I decided I would grab the bull by the horns and go for it - I am really pleased with my results

Warmed up with 4 x 3 of 20kg / 25kg / 30kg / 35kg

Then main set I managed:

Did 45kg twice as this is about the max I have done before (maybe 47.5kg) and was a little unsure, but they both felt good so I decided to move on up!

I don't know where this strength has come from, maybe the break I had over Xmas has helped my body consolidate the work I was doing last year? However, I am happy that I am finally seeing progress as I have been stuck around the 45kg mark as my max for a while :)

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