Thursday, March 11, 2010

5km TT

Swapped 5km TT from yesterday due to having to attend the Uni for the sweat assessment.

Was not sure what to expect, and also decided to try & run in my racing flats, I think I may have run a little more than 5km - I have decided that tonight I will go & measure the course properly so that I know exactly where the km splits are!!

Left my watch at work so had to borrow Phil's & I could not get it to work so had to go by the clock time - my left side still not right, not collapsing anymore but very tight in my butt which seems to restrict my range of movement & power then this spreads to my right butt too!!!

Managed to complete the run in 21mins 54secs last did this on 2nd Feb and ran 21.52 so not bad considering I know I'm not able to operate at full capacity.

Made sure that I stood in the cold spa for 5mins, then did some stretching & trigger point (physio said ok) just did a little work on butt then did the strengthening exercises that the physio prescribed.

Can still feel backside is not happy - want to be able to get back to normal soon so I can train without pain - well this kind of pain anyway

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